National Productivity Week 27th January 2025 | Visit Website

A diverse community of
leading experts, policymakers
and practitioners

The Institute’s key research themes
are led by ten academic partners
spread across the UK.

We’re a UK-wide research
organisation exploring what
productivity means for business

Businesses are crucial to solving
the UK’s productivity problems.

We’re a UK-wide research organisation exploring what productivity means for business, for workers and for communities

We look at how it is measured and how it truly
contributes to increased living standards and well-being.


World-class research from across the UK covering eight themes and drawing on expertise from social sciences, engineering, physics, political science, business management, innovation research and data science.


Our Productivity Commission is an independent academic advisory group directed at finding policy solutions to the productivity puzzle.


Through our 8 Regional Productivity Forums and national strategic partnerships we work with business practitioners to develop new research projects, share insights and find new ways to put research into practice with the aim of improving UK productivity.

Get in touch

Media Enquiries

Email: CityPress

Callum Brown – Citypress

Chris Hopper – Citypress

General Enquiries

Email: The Productivity Institute

External Engagement & Communications

Nicola Pike (Engagement & Impact Director)

Krystyna Rudzki (Communications Manager)

Natasha Maddison (Engagement & Impact Coordinator)

James Wilson (Communications & Engagement Coordinator)

Finance and Operations

Charlotte Jones (Head of Operations)

Michael Livesey (Institute & Fellowship Manager)

Harriet Pentreath (Institute Administrator)

We’re based in Manchester

Our members are based all over the UK, but our headquarters are at the Alliance Manchester Business School.

The Productivity Institute

Alliance Manchester Business School,
Booth Street West
Manchester, M15 6PB,
United Kingdom