National Productivity Week 27th January 2025 | Visit Website

A diverse community of
leading experts, policymakers
and practitioners

The Institute’s key research themes
are led by ten academic partners
spread across the UK.

We’re a UK-wide research
organisation exploring what
productivity means for business

Businesses are crucial to solving
the UK’s productivity problems.

Call for Papers- IPM Symposium on Productivity and Well-being

On April 19, 2021, the Centre for the Study of Living Standards and The Productivity Institute released a call for papers for a symposium or theme issue on the topic “Productivity and Well-being: Measurement and Linkages” to be published in the Spring 2022 issue of the International Productivity Monitor.

The Centre for the Study of Living Standards (Canada) and The Productivity Institute (United Kingdom) are inviting proposals for papers on Productivity and Well-Being – Measurement and Explanations. Accepted papers, which should represent new and original work, will be published in a theme issue of the International Productivity Monitor, which is the joint flagship publication of both organisations in the Spring of 2022. An authors’ workshop with first drafts of the paper will be held in November 2021.

Timeline and process

  • Paper proposals (max 3 pages) by 15th July
  • Editorial decision on acceptance of proposals by 20th July
  • First draft of papers by 31st October.
  • Virtual authors workshop on 16 -17th November 2021 (total 6-8 hours)
  • Submit papers to International Productivity Monitor by 15th  January 2022
  • Review reports in by mid-March 2022
  • Final version by 30th  April 2022
  • Publication June 2022

Find out more information about our Call for Papers.