Productivity Research Conference  4th – 5th September 2025 Find out more

A diverse community of leading experts, policymakers and practitioners

The Institute’s key research themes are led by ten academic partners spread across the UK.

Working closely with policymakers

We’re a UK-wide research organisation exploring what productivity means for business

Businesses are crucial to solving the UK’s productivity problems.

Kate Penney

Research Fellow at The Productivity Institute

Research Theme: Regional productivity


Kate is a Research Fellow for The Productivity Institute at the Alliance Manchester Business School. Her focus is on regional productivity.

Prior to this Kate has had roles with the University of Sheffield and Oxford University as a Research Associate working on projects that were interested in regional inequalities.  Her research interests include power dynamics and decision making, governance and examining the economic and social conditions of so-called left behind places. 

Kate has managed education and research projects in both Further and Higher Education, including for the Economic and Social Research Council, Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Nesta, European Commission, the Education and Skills Funding Agency and Job Centre plus.