National Productivity Week 27th January 2025 | Visit Website

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leading experts, policymakers
and practitioners

The Institute’s key research themes
are led by ten academic partners
spread across the UK.

We’re a UK-wide research
organisation exploring what
productivity means for business

Businesses are crucial to solving
the UK’s productivity problems.

Investing for the long-run

The Productivity Agenda: Chapter 2

Investment lies at the root of economic growth and prosperity. When an economy channels funds into capital, it creates the building blocks for a higher level of productivity in the future, and more diffusion of ideas and innovation that underpin technological progress and higher wages.

The British economy has suffered from chronic levels of underinvestment compared to those economies that have delivered greater improvements in living standards over the past quarter of a century. Low investment is the proximate cause of low productivity and the UK’s weak growth performance. But low investment itself is due to many factors, implying that no single reform is sufficient to resolve the problem while many may be necessary.

The paper also includes a number of policy implications.

Authors: Jagjit S. Chadha (NIESR), Tony Venables (The University of Manchester)


  • Productivity Studies




J.S. Chadha, T. Venables (2023) Investing for the long-run Productivity Insights Paper No. 019, The Productivity Institute.
